Win a Sweepstakes and give the money away to help others...

In today’s session, as with all of our sessions together, I want you to “win”; not only sweepstakes, but to win in life. As I was compiling the five sweepstakes opportunities of my readers this week, I got to thinking how great it would be to win say, $1000, $5000 even $10,000 and give it all away. What if that was your motivation and you promised God (or the Universe) that you would do this and that you would keep your word if you indeed won! Do you think you would win? I think so.

How about committing to sharing exactly half of what you made in a sweepstakes contest; wait, never mind. You will share that much in taxes with the government. Let’s say that you commit to sharing half of your actual take home after taxes with someone who could really use it, or a cause that you know could benefit if and when you win one of these 5 sweepstakes. Go ahead, make the commitment. Say it out loud, confess it, mean it, promise it and do it!

OK, that’s my “Attainment Rules”  speech for today. Let’s get on with the 5 links to some great companies that are offering sweepstakes that are easy to enter and then sit back and wait for them to call you to say that you’ve won.

Enter to win a Polaris Snowmobile 

Enter to win Yamaha Real Tough vehicle 

Enter to win a Legendary Motorcycle 

Enter for a chance to win a Buick

Win a house (and make it your home)!  You have to watch a TV show to get a clue, so I’m going to give you one more sweepstakes because this one really doesn’t count.

Publishers Clearing House is giving you the chance to win a house, CLICK HERE. 

That's it for this week. See you next week! Ter Scott! 

Where can I win $10,000? RetailMeNot offers this, and here's 4 more places.

Hello again! I love coming here every week bringing my readers just 5 good quality links to easily go to a sweepstakes sponsor, enter your information and get out quickly so it doesn’t take so much time. Then you wait until a company contacts you and says that you are a winner. Today I will share a tip with you that makes this much easier and faster. You’ll get this tip and more when I create and publish my sweepstakes “how to” book in the future. Also, I understand that some of my readers may already be doing this, but either way, here it is.

Use Google Chrome as you web browser when going to these sweepstakes sites. Chrome uses “auto fill” which when you start writing in your name, will fill in all of the blanks. Yes, sometimes you’ll go back and adjust something here and there, and there all some sites that don’t allow this, but many do and it’s a fast way to get in and out and on with your life!

Let’s see what I have for you this week.

Let it snow, let it snow and go, go, go with this nicesnowmobile!

Here’s a cool site, with lots of areas to register for cashand other great stuff: WhoWhatWear: 

This week’s “biggie”: You can play daily here too, if you want to. For me, my system is simple, enter one time and wait, but you can do what you want. Let me know how it works for you.   RetailMeNot is giving away: $10,000. By the way, this site has an easy game to play. My advice: be sure NOT to lift your finger off the mouse when sliding your shopping bag! Enjoy.

See you right here next week!
Make it a great day!